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Your Horoscope This Week


Think globally, act locally. That's the message the stars are bringing this week. First up: The sun in hometown-oriented Gemini faces off with heavy-hitter Saturn in worldly Sagittarius. And if you're feeling overwhelmed by the crush of WTF news, don't tune out completely. Selective Saturn helps you curate your feeds. Turn off the alerts and set times for checking up on current events. Maybe you start your day with writing a diary and a meditative walk while listening to music. Once you've accomplished a few of your a.m. tasks, free from emotional derailments, see what's happening around the globe.

Dreamtime becomes all the more important starting Friday as soulful Neptune slips into its annual retrograde until November 22. This year (and every year from 2012 to 2025), this five-month backspin will take place in Pisces, the sign Neptune rules, basically doubling its impact. We all need moments to check out, unwind, and access the more creative and spiritual sides of ourselves. That's how great art and music is made! This introspective phase will also inspire people to take more personal responsibility for healing the planet. With sea god Neptune in aquatic Pisces, we could evoke the water protector movement that began with the No DAPL fight of 2016. Pay attention to what you're pouring down the drain, clean with environmentally friendly sprays, and find a charity to support that provides clean drinking water to people who don't have access.

May 21 to June 20

Relationships are supposed to feel amazing, right, Gemini? Well, sure, yeah...sometimes. But the best connections are a double-edged sword. Having someone love you for who you truly are can actually be scary, especially if you haven't learned to fully accept yourself. This week, tough Saturn in your partnership zone will directly oppose the sun, which is beaming in Gemini. Don't just cut and run on an important connection because you're uncomfortable opening up — which might masquerade as boredom or annoyance at the other person. Instead, seize the opportunity to get even realer, Gemini. Dropping the mask of cool will draw a supportive soul closer. And if that involves an ugly cry or a huge revelation about your past, so be it. You don't have to be perfect to be loved!

On Friday, soul-searching Neptune flips into its annual retrograde until November 22, retreating through your 10th house of career. Is the work that you do satisfying on a deeper level — or are you just paying the bills until you find your thing? Very few people hit dream job status from the jump, but make sure that you're advancing in that direction. Maybe it's time to start interviewing (these tips can help you prep), if only for the experience of stretching your limits. And you never know what can come of it, Gemini! Neptune governs helpful people: Over the coming five months, working with a mentor or coach can speed your ascent to the top.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

June 21 to July 22

What ever happened to those boundaries, Cancer? You may need to toughen up your shell this week in the name of self-preservation. You can't blame people for asking for your support. Let's be honest: You're one of the most nurturing and savvy advice-givers on the planet. And you do love to help. But maybe it's time to start charging an hourly rate for your wisdom (hello, coaching certification?) or letting people know that you can't be on call 24/7. Saying "no" can be empowering this week, even if people throw a fit or guilt trip you. Honour your needs. You have the right to skip a party when you're sleep-deprived — or to screen a BFF's relationship 999 calls when you're on a date. Be firm and start training people to treat you differently.

Starting Friday, you'll feel the nostalgic pull of a favourite holiday spot as soulful Neptune turns retrograde in your travel zone until November 22. Flip through old photos. Maybe it's time to revisit your ancestral homeland and hang out with those cousins you haven't seen since you were 14. Neptune rules the sea, and as a water sign, you'll find an aquatic getaway deeply restorative. (Think: remote surf towns or cities built along the beach.) Neptune's U-turn here might even inspire you to learn a foreign language or travel for a teacher training so you can set off on a more independent career path. Since retrogrades rule the past, you may be picking up something you already began instead of starting fresh.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

July 23 to August 22

Distracted dater alert! With so much on your plate this week — and so many interesting people to mingle with — you may struggle to focus on (or find) that one special soul. Priorities, Leo! Relationships require care and feeding. If you're expecting your love life to "just happen" you could be in for a rude awakening. Don't let a good one slip away due to neglect. Ignore your FOMO and devote quality time to the people who matter most, from a love interest to your best friend. Go the extra mile, treating for dinner or bringing a small gift. If you're looking for romance, put down your phone. An attraction of the non-virtual variety may be staring you right in the face, and emerge from your friend zone.

On Friday, you'll plunge into deeper waters as therapeutic Neptune turns retrograde in your eighth house of seduction and secrets until November 22. During this phase, you'll need a stronger sense of commitment from the people in your inner circle. No more vagueness! A label-free relationship could leave you feeling insecure and loyalty is an absolute must from anyone you let into your private world. One or two key connections could be cemented during this cycle, so choose a couple relationships you'd like to strengthen before 2017 is through. One catch: These people cannot be your "everything!" That's just way too much pressure to place on any mere mortal. Simultaneously work on cultivating your own confidence. Invest in your own creativity and passionate pursuits and you'll keep a healthy balance between "me" and "we."

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

August 23 to September 22

This week's mission: Finding a better balance between your work life and your personal life. If your career's been in high gear, you may have allowed your public persona to dominate the scene. It's great to have everyone's admiration, Virgo, but have you set the bar too high for yourself? Exhausting! You need wiggle room to be a human being. Step down from the guru role and don't go along with people putting you on the pedestal. It's just too much pressure. Don't worry: You won't lose your fanbase by keeping it real. Instead of handling everything for others, empower them to do for themselves. Point them to helpful resources and sending them on their way with one of your inspiring pep talks. Then, go home and take a nap!

On Friday, your closest relationships are up for review as ruminating Neptune turns retrograde until November 22. Do you feel like you've hit a wall with a certain someone in your life? While it might seem logical to "have a talk" about this, Neptune's backspin reminds us that the shift starts from within. Be the change you wish to see in your relationships, Virgo. Do you feel misunderstood? Seek to understand. Wish people would listen to you more? Ask them questions about themselves — and then chime in with your own stories, instead of waiting to be solicited for this data. Sure, you might realise that a few of the people you know are legit narcissists. But it's more likely that your curious and open attitude will foster a stronger bond. Most importantly, stop making sacrifices to show that you care — and start asking partners to step up to the plate!

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

September 23 to October 22

Future-tripping alert! There's nothing wrong with dreaming of a better tomorrow, Libra, as long as you're also paying attention to the here and now. This week, give your huge and important life plans some 101 project management support. You could overwhelm yourself by fixating on the end game (moving in together, getting promoted) when you haven't even come close to the halfway point. Instead of scaring yourself off of this noble mission, how about focusing on your next milestone? Rome wasn't built in a day. This week, pick out the proverbial marble slabs instead of trying to recreate your version of the Sistine Chapel. Accomplishing something small will boost your confidence to take the next step, then the one after that...

On Friday, start staving off the summer sniffles with preventative medicine like healthy food and adequate sleep. Sensitive Neptune pivots into its yearly retrograde, moving backwards through your wellness sector until November 22. Take extra care to treat your body like a temple during this five-month cycle. Stress is often the root cause of what ails us, so make it your mission to reduce anxiety-producing activities and people from your life. Have you been tackling too much by your lonesome? Reach out for backup. Maybe a local student would want to work as a summer intern. Ask around.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

October 23 to November 21

Should you focus on the big picture or fixate on the details? This week, the answer is: both. With the sun in hyper-original Gemini all week, the little things are what give your efforts edge. But on Thursday, results-obsessed Saturn makes its annual opposition to the sun, reminding you to hustle along with your timeline. Drop the perfectionism in the name of progress — but don't cut corners, either! It may be necessary to break a mission down into smaller phases so you can tick some of the boxes off your task list. The sense of accomplishment will buoy your courage. Be resourceful, Scorpio. If you only have a shoestring budget, you might use the barter system to pay for some services. Keep the credit cards locked up. This is not the week to get into debt, not even for your art.

On Friday, dreamy Neptune slips into a five-month retrograde in your fifth house of creativity, image, and romance. With the planet of illusions in the time out chair, you have a helpful window for assessing your "brand." How do people actually see you, Scorpio? Are you representing true to form or presenting yourself according to other people's ideals? Like fellow Scorpio Willow Smith, it's time to wear your most unique attributes on your sleeve, even find ways to support other talented women. In love, take off the rose-coloured glasses and see people for who they really are. Their human quirks can be endearing!

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

November 22 to December 21

Drop the DIY schtick this week and double up. Powerful partnerships emerge as the Gemini sun in your dynamic duo zone sends a wake-up call to slow-motion Saturn in Sagittarius. It's great to get hands-on experience, but you're stalling your progress by wearing too many hats. Cede control to a capable collaborator and you'll sail to the finish line a whole lot faster. On that note, have you been handing the reins to the wrong partner? While this person's intentions are to help, they may need to go back to their lane. In love, you'll need a more vocal commitment this week. Don't shy away from labels. Security can be sexy.

Starting Friday, tighten up the radius of your inner circle, Sagittarius. While you live for the thrill of chatting up strangers — and, naturally, dazzling them with your sparkle — you get frustrated when they start to have expectations of you. But your loved ones aren't wrong for wanting you to commit to plans or show up on time when you're on their calendars. With compassionate Neptune turning retrograde in your family zone for five months this Friday, be more selective about the company you keep. Prioritise your loyal squad over last-minute Tinder dates and the cool kids club. A relative might need additional support this summer and while you don't have to cancel your life plans for this, carve out some time in your schedule so you can be there.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

December 22 to January 19

You like to keep up appearances, Capricorn, but this week, sticking to the status quo could limit your personal growth. Step out as the trailblazing badass and colour outside the lines. You might rock the boat more than you're comfortable with, so make sure your rebellion comes with a cause. What kind of change is needed in your community? Where has progress stalled at work? Be the thought leader who puts new ideas on the table. Your courage can also spark an important change for the people you deal with on a daily basis.

On Friday, nebulous Neptune turns retrograde in your communication sector for five months — a phase where it will be essential to curate your every word. If you don't, you could inadvertently wind up leaking information or spreading gossip. Rule of thumb: If a person you know isn't in the room, praise their name only. And if you don't have anything positive to say, take up your concerns with someone who might actually make the situation better — not fan the flames of drama. A BFF or festival buddy you've been counting on for summer plans could start to flake out or even have a legit excuse for needing to tend to other affairs. Don't guilt trip them! This is an opportunity to deepen other connections. With 7.5 billion people on the globe, there's no excuse for having only one best friend.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

January 20 to February 18

Brace yourself, because a power struggle could break out as the ego-driven sun clashes with take-charge Saturn this week. Group dynamics will not simply flow with ease as they have in the past — especially if there are too many cooks in the kitchen. Do some damage control (or triage) by calling a team meeting. Bring a talking stick so people don't interrupt each other. The purpose here? To realign with your shared mission and divide up duties so you can stop stepping on each other's Stan Smiths. If you've been too diplomatic, stop shying away from the leadership role that's been calling your name. With your innate sense of equality, you are the perfect person to rule the roost!

On Friday, get a firmer grip on your wallet. Nebulous Neptune turns retrograde in your finance zone until November 22, sounding the call for savvier money management. Scrutinise your statements. You might realise you've been paying for a recurring service that you aren't even using or have been getting overcharged by a vendor. Soul-searching Neptune's reverse can send you on the hunt for more meaningful work. Who knows, Aquarius? Before 2017 is through, you might be collecting a salary from a company (or writing your own) whose values mesh beautifully with your desire to make the world a better place for all. Still have room to grow? Consider apprenticing alongside a master or enlisting a mentor to help close that gap.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

February 19 to March 20

Nesting overload? While curating the perfect home bar cart is a worthy aspiration, don't tune out the calling of your career. This week, the sun in your domestic zone gets a wakeup call from stern Saturn in your professional sector. Come out of hibernation and handle your business. You simply can't afford to blow off responsibilities for a minute longer. Do you already feel like work has overtaken your life? Use this week to gather more support for your aspirations. Going into martyr mode is not going to make the office VIPs respect you more. Instead, show them that you're a strong leader by outlining resources (besides your time and energy) that will be required to get the job done. Sure, you may have to burn some midnight oil, but requesting another pair (or three) of hands on deck can prevent a future fail.

Another reason to rally your support squad? On Friday, your ruling planet, compassionate Neptune, tucks into its annual retrograde. Until November 22, your cosmic guardian is retreating through the Pisces zone of the sky, bringing a chance for deep personal introspection. As you explore new aspects of your identity, having caring people in your corner can keep you grounded. You might realise that you've outgrown a relationship or a once-favourite activity — or you could feel like your entire identity is going through a shift. Allow yourself to move gently through these transitional times. Rushing during Neptune's retrograde is a no-no. Instead, leave yourself room to drift, expand, and explore different aspects of your identity — and change your mind at a moment's notice. You might just come back to the person you always were, but with a renewed sense of confidence.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

March 21 to April 19

What's that you say, Aries? Choose your words with extreme care this week as heavyweight Saturn in your candid ninth house faces off with the Gemini sun in your communication sector. With so much verbal might, you could start a Twitter riot...or a cult. Seriously, that's how influential you are right now. But you'd be better off leading a peaceful revolution. Flex your skills in a savvy way and drum up support for a mission that makes the world a better place. A local charity or global cause (or the local chapter of a national organisation) may be looking for your leadership. Explore!

Starting Friday, the line between fantasy and reality may be hard to discern. Soul-searcher Neptune flips into its annual retrograde, retreating through your esoteric 12th house until November 22. During this cycle, you'll need to surround yourself with a wise council of advisors — from savvy friends to a mentor, therapist, or life coach — because your intuition won't be its sharpest in the face of temptation. This is a powerful time for releasing the past, but you'll have to keep firmer boundaries in place with shady people. Give yourself a chance to heal before, say, figuring out if you can pull off a friendship with the ex who broke your heart. Creatively, this will be a golden period for you. Start saving up for studio space rentals or claim a corner table at the local café where you can tuck away with the muse.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

April 20 to May 20

Déjà vu, Taurus? This week, you may feel like you're stuck in the same old situation — but also so ready for a major makeover. Don't just keep stubbornly pushing ahead when you're not getting results. That's actually detrimental to progress. You might need to take a wrecking ball to a bad habit or leave an underpaying job to create space for one that actually puts decent cash in your pocket. If you need to acquire additional training to command a better rate, follow the prompt and enroll in a course of study. Even a 3-day programme could do wonders, especially if it brings your technical skills up to snuff.

On Friday, start categorising: friend, frenemy, or Facebook acquaintance? With sketchy Neptune turning retrograde in your communal 11th house until November 22, you need to be careful about who you let into your private life. Just because someone dazzles you upon introduction doesn't mean they have the character or integrity to be a trusted friend. Appearances can be deceiving, especially when the planet of illusions is in reverse. You may realise that you need some space from a certain squad if they aren't appreciating your generosity. Don't keep giving until it hurts. Pull back and see who steps up to the plate. If they are truly meant to be in your life, they'll start pursuing you. If not, a more soulful circle of friends is waiting to be discovered.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

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