During her YouTube live stream on Friday night, Katy Perry shared her past struggles with a few emotional topics. While at Witness World Wide, she discussed them with Dr. Siri Sat Nam Singh, who is best known for his series The Therapist on Viceland. During their talk, they touched on Perry's relationship with her parents, her love life, issues with alcoholism, and times when the singer had struggled with suicidal thoughts.
It was at this point in the live stream that a member of Perry's team encouraged her to take a break, but in a moment of strength and vulnerability, she chose to continue the discussion. This level of transparency can be difficult for anyone, let alone someone who has been in the public eye for so many years. "I feel ashamed that I would have those thoughts, feel that low and that depressed," Perry admitted, also sharing that she wrote a song about her experience according to Cosmopolitan.
She went on to discuss the unmistakable divide she has felt between the public persona of Katy Perry and how she, Katheryn Hudson, is in her private life with her family and close friends who know her. "I’m a bit more nerdy than everybody thinks I am, I’m a big goofball," Perry said. Her forthcoming album, Witness, further explores the dichotomy of Perry's public and private self. "The fantasy of Katheryn went into Katy and made this bigger than life personality." The singer explained that her new pixie cut was a reaction to this realisation. "I didn't want to look like Katy Perry anymore," she openly shared with Singh and her live stream.
Fans took to Twitter to express their support of the singer and admiration for her honesty.
The fact that @katyperry is making therapy normal and showing all of herself to the world just makes me stan her harder
— Tash 👁 (@Ta1s1h0) June 10, 2017
@katyperry Your therapy session touched my heart it was so deep! Know that your katycats love you for being Katheryn Hudson 😘💗❤💝💘💜💙💚💛
— Kayla 🎨 (@perryicecream) June 10, 2017
This therapy sesh is so real and on point 👌 Just makes me love @katyperry that much more ❤ #KPWWW
— Sam (@yipster612) June 10, 2017
There are many signs and symptoms related to depression and suicidal thoughts. Feelings of hopelessness, withdrawal and isolation, extreme mood swings, and increased use of alcohol or drugs are all common signs of depression that should not be ignored. It is complex, but it is treatable.
If you are thinking about suicide, please call theSamaritans on 116 123.
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