Yesterday, the general election that barely anyone wanted was held and, well, things were a lot more interesting than anyone expected.
As it stands at the moment, Theresa May has reached a deal with Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to form a coalition.
Unsurprisingly, Twitter has been a wild ride for the past 12 hours and shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. Let us take you on a journey...
Things started off with Labour supporters oscillating between self-deprecation and quiet hope.
if u stay up late on election eve, you might catch a glimpse of santa arriving with a big bag of cans for the lads
— The Absolute Goose (@SuzeMarsupial) June 7, 2017
London London lovely London lovely metropolitan liberal elite echo chamber latte drinking cereal cafe labour voting motherfuckers ❤❤❤
— Harry Harris (@CmonHarris) June 9, 2017
Can't get done for running through wheat fields if you get rid of 20,000+ police officers
— Ross Carley (@rosscarleyx) 6 June 2017
Then the exit polls came in. And the mood changed.
Holy shit.
— Britain Elects (@britainelects) June 8, 2017
An entire nation was going to go to bed.
— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) June 8, 2017
An entire nation is not going to bed. #2017Election
— rob delaney (@robdelaney) June 8, 2017
People began to whisper about the possibility of a hung parliament – some more confidently than others.
Hung parliament am I right lads
— Zoë (@playboyredhead) June 8, 2017
After a number of key Conservative seats turned Labour, the left went from quietly hopeful to, well, fabulously excited.
Conservative seats turning red like #exitpoll #BBCElection
— Georgie (@LieutenantSloth) June 8, 2017
You vs the guy everyone told you NOT TO FUCKING WORRY ABOUT
— monsieur ribéry (@vicar_of_sibley) June 8, 2017
Something awkward happened.
Worst high 5 of all time...?
— Dan Hewitt (@danhewittsky) June 9, 2017
People really liked retweeting this tweet from Theresa May.
— Stephen Bush (@stephenkb) June 8, 2017
iF i LoSe JuSt SiX sEaTs I wIlL lOsE tHiS eLeCtIoN aNd JeReMy cOrByN wIlL bE sIiTtInG dOwN tO nEgOtIaTe WiTh EuRoPe
— james 🥔 (@jamesjbrighton) June 8, 2017
PM: 'If I lose just six seats I will lose this election and @jeremycorbyn will be sitting down to negotiate with Europe' #GE2017
— Wayne Emanuel (@wayne_emanuel) June 9, 2017
Home Secretary Amber Rudd asked for recounts in her constituency of Hastings and Rye (she narrowly held on to her seat in the end).
Astonishing scenes in Hastings as Amber Rudd asks for a 35th recount
— Matt 🐝 (@PadrinoMatt) June 9, 2017
Things got a bit spicy in Scotland when several SNP seats were unexpectedly claimed by Conservatives.
I'm going to go to these places in Scotland that voted Tory, and I'm going to drop litter.
— Limmy (@DaftLimmy) June 9, 2017
But mainly, people were really into calling Theresa May out.
.@theresa_may Hey girl, are you British Rail? Cos you're getting publicly owned.
— Ben Davis 🦀 (@bendavis_86) June 8, 2017
Theresa May calling an election like
— Luke Bailey (@imbadatlife) June 9, 2017
#TheresaMay right now #hungparliament #GE2017
— Amar (@Amar_sian) June 9, 2017
At around 4am, a hung parliament was declared. Some worried how to explain something to the President of the United States that none of us fully understood either.
This is how they'll explain it to Trump. #massivelylosing #GE2017
— kate finnigan (@K_Finnigan) June 9, 2017
Could there be another election, people wondered, fearing for the mental wellbeing of Brenda from Bristol.
"You're not going to believe this, Brenda..." #GE2017
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 9, 2017
The wheat field thing refused to die.
Go to your happy place...happy place.... #hungparliament
— Thomas Jones (@tomj191) 9 June 2017
Theresa May when she saw those youth turnout numbers
— 🚮 (@KirbyAfua) 9 June 2017
The hung parliament delighted many who offered innovative ideas on how to rectify the situation.
I have the solution to this #hungparliament
— Robert Hewis (@RobertHewis) June 9, 2017
When you call a snap election and the electorate snaps back...#hungparliament
— Lee Dalloway (@LeeDalloway) June 9, 2017
Realistically, though, no one had any idea what was going on.
If any of you have the faintest idea what the situation will be come Sunday morning, do let us know...
— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) June 9, 2017
Although they did know that UKIP had an absolute 'mare.
You're kidding -said absolutely nobody.
— Stephen Mangan (@StephenMangan) June 9, 2017
Now, though, it looks like Theresa May might have made a deal with the DUP. Latest reports suggest she is heading to Buckingham Palace at 12.30pm to ask the Queen for permission to form a government.
The British public responded as expected.
The DUP already being given the full Wikipedia treatment
— Helen Nianias (@helennianias) June 9, 2017
As Theresa May arrived at Buckingham Palace, good cheer was in wild abundance.
Fiver says the Queen pretends to be out when Theresa May rings the doorbell... #GE2017
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) 9 June 2017
"It's understood that May's audience with the Queen will last 40 minutes." The first 39 of which will be the Queen pissing herself laughing.
— Pete Sinclair (@pete_sinclair) 9 June 2017
"I would like to form a government with the..."
— Ken Shabby (@MrKenShabby) June 9, 2017
"You heard, fuck off"
Then Theresa May gave a speech which confused everyone quite a lot.
Theresa May says country needs certainty, she must be furious with the Theresa May who called a snap election which disastrously backfired
— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) 9 June 2017
It's like she noted the election result & thought 'sod it, I'll read the same speech anyway'.
— Jakub Krupa (@JakubKrupa) 9 June 2017
May is 👉🏻👈🏻 close to talking about her record crowd sizes.
— rachelrobertsREAL (@scouserachel) 9 June 2017
So a DUP x Conservative coalition is under way. And people are not happy.
"Corbyn will take us back to the 70's". THAT'S NOT FAR ENOUGH - WE WANT MEDIEVAL #GE2017 #2017Election #DUP #DUPCoalition
— Shane. (@SJMageean) June 9, 2017
Whoops. #DUPCoalition
— Kevin Ka Wei Chan (@maximotodo) 9 June 2017
I have a feeling we'll all be back here soon and with the same expression as this cat #DUPcoalition
— Gladstone (@TreasuryMog) 9 June 2017
But remember kids, whatever happens in this uncertain time, there are two very important things to take away from this election.
Firstly, 18-24 year olds NAILED this election. The official figures relating how many young people turned out to vote aren't known yet but estimates point to it being a stunning 72%. Young people are more politically engaged than ever, and whatever happens, that is fantastic news.
From 33% turnout in the EU referendum 2016 to 72% in #GE2017. 18-24 year olds you have just made history!
— Jonelle Awomoyi MYP (@jonelleawoMYP) June 9, 2017
This result has served as an elegant rebuttal to the notion that Britain's youth are feckless, disengaged, bed-bound wastrels. They rock.
— Sue Perkins (@sueperkins) June 9, 2017
'Would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids...' #GE2017
— Me (@daisy_and_me) June 9, 2017
Secondly, Grayson Perry has totally got your back. Now and always.
At the palace hoping to get in first and form a govt while the others are dithering
— Grayson Perry (@Alan_Measles) June 9, 2017
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