During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live earlier this week, Gwyneth Paltrow finally cracked, admitting that some of the things her lifestyle website Goop touts as essential — v-steaming, putting jade eggs in your vagina, sex pills made of single origin, high-altitude, cracked cell wall mason pine pollen — might actually be a little, well, out there.
“I don’t know what the fuck we talk about!” Paltrow exclaimed, after Kimmel pressed her a little too hard on the subject of Goop’s recent article on Earthing. “Earthing,” according to Goop, is the practice of walking around barefoot to better absorb the energy of our planet, which is there, “if only we would take off our shoes and access [it].” The article claims Paltrow swears by it — but she tells a different story.
You mean not even Paltrow knows what in the world Goop is praising as the second coming of Christ most of the time? That makes two of us, sister. Despite the ever-growing shoppable list of high-quality, toxin-free beauty products we'll never stop wanting to buy, there are still plenty of times Goop has had us all saying a collective "WTF." Here, five of the most noteworthy:
1) If your regular hair salon doesn’t incorporate spiritual psychology into your appointments, then clearly you don’t go to the Santa Monica-based hairstylist whose use of body and energy work, essential oils, crystals, and attention to the chakras has been “seriously transformative” to Goop staffers. “Could this hair treatment change your life?” the website asks.
2) Gwyneth herself espoused the “incredible” effects of apitherapy, or being voluntarily stung by bees in the name of better skin, in an interview with the New York Times. “People use it to get rid of inflammation and scarring,” she said. “It’s actually pretty incredible if you research it. But, man, it’s painful.”
3) In an article titled “The Summer-Weekend Beauty Bag ”, in which Goop breaks down all the beauty essentials one might need for a summer weekend getaway, a bottle of nail polish is one of the suggested necessities, for a “by-the-pool polish change.” Who? What?
4) “Just as the chemicals in conventional sunscreens can kill coral in the ocean, they also cause problems in your skin by increasing inflammation — the root cause of most aging,” one article on the site reads, implying that your run-of-the-mill, non-Goop-approved drugstore sunscreen is actually making you age faster than you would by not wearing sunscreen at all.
5) According to a Goop post about body scrubs, there’s a high-end gym in Manhattan that is “notorious” for the number of members who’ve gotten MRSA infections from its facilities. But which high-end gym? That's for Goop to know, and you to find out.
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What These 12 Celebrities Look Like With Their Natural Hair
This Woman Took A Bath Wearing Coconut Oil — & It Went Horribly Wrong
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