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Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Express delivery from the North Pole… oh, wait! Did that package just get rerouted through New Orleans? As we count down to the holiday weekend, we'll have a cosmic curveball to contend with. This Monday, the 19th of December, Mercury turns retrograde, crossing wires, scrambling schedules and creating a few communication blips until the 8th of January. Heed the planetary PSA: If you're travelling for your celebrations, order your Uber an hour earlier — or pre-reserve a car service to make sure your ride to the airport is locked and loaded. Mercury's backspin takes place in Capricorn, the sign that rules traditions, career goals and yes, the patriarchy. On Thursday, the sun begins its month-long journey through Capricorn, helping to offset some of the deleterious effects of the retrograde. But still…we may weather more than the usual amount of mansplaining this festive season. And if family dynamics are ultra-fiery, this might be the year to take off for the tropics instead of flying back home to see your folks. Mercury's backspin can reveal buried information — which might actually be a positive, given that the U.S. electoral college will cast their final vote on the 19th of December. Who knows what will emerge about the cabal of U.S. cabinet appointees? Here's hoping messenger Mercury can put a kibosh on the post-truth gaslighting that's been going down.

Take heart: The planets are on good behaviour over the weekend, helping to mitigate tension — at least momentarily. On Saturday, traditionalist Saturn flows into a cooperative angle with forward-thinking Uranus. Conservatives and liberals could find common ground during celebrations, setting aside differences for the weekend. Do you roll with a diverse group of friends? The Saturn-Uranus trine calls for a blending of customs, especially since Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa all arrive in close proximity in 2016. Drumming and eating latkes under the tree — why not? On Sunday, a naughty-and-nice alignment of Venus and Jupiter will love-bomb our celebrations. Keep the mistletoe in plain sight. This heart-opening alignment will make Cupid and Vixen the starring reindeer of the weekend. Pucker up!


November 22 to December 21

Bring on the practical magic! From Monday until the 8th of January, Mercury spins retrograde in Capricorn and your second house of planning and financial foundations. While this may dash your more decadent dreams, it's time to operate from a sounder — and yes, stricter — budget. Dial back quantity instead of sacrificing quality. You'll enjoy that one fabulous item more than ten sale-rack steals. Don't sleep on those end-of-year work obligations either. With the sun flowing into Capricorn for a month on Thursday, you could wrap 2016 with some extra funds in the bank — or even a job offer to pursue in early 2017. Don't be shy about talking shop (lightly) at Christmas gatherings because you could make a killer connection by the bar.

Cut loose this Christmas weekend though, Sagittarius. With planets forming two harmonious trines (120-degree angles), you'll shine like the star on top of the Rockefeller Center tree. Appoint yourself entertainment director on Saturday. Make a multigenerational playlist and get a dance party started in the living room. Rent a karaoke machine or perform an original composition for your family (or both). Cupid could make a cameo too — and that smooch under the mistletoe may be much more than "just a kiss." The fireworks keep coming on Sunday when your ruling planet Jupiter syncs up with amorous Venus for a rare and flirtatious alignment. Romance could spark while you're out mingling with friends or even sneaking a peek to see who's on your favourite dating app. Couples should get out together for a little daytime adventure. You could have a soul-stirring conversation about your shared future while you're driving to look at lights or out having drinks at a hotel bar.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Countdown to Capricorn Season! This Thursday, the sun blazes into your sign for a month, officially beginning your birthday celebrations. Shake off any heavy vibes that are lingering from earlier this year and pop an early bottle of champagne. While you're ready to dive into a new chapter of life, there's one thing slowing your roll. From Monday until the 8th of January, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in your sign, calling for more cautious advancement. Think things through before you commit. What starts off as a fun idea can turn into a complex, logistical nightmare if you don't consider what's really involved. And develop your dreams behind the scenes until the 8th of January. Your ideas may be misinterpreted before then, which could crush your creativity — and that would be a loss for everyone!

Keep the shearling slippers handy this weekend though. Two pairs of planets cuddle into cosy trines (120-degree angles), making you crave intimacy. On Saturday, your ruling planet, stoic Saturn will get a jolt from impulsive Uranus helping you initiate deep and personal dialogues with your loved ones. Set the mood for celebrations with decorations and a great menu — but also by making sure that everyone in the room feels loved and included. Your Spidey senses will be strong this weekend so if you get the feeling that someone needs to be listened to, pull them aside for a little private pep talk. Sunday's second trine, between loving Venus and bold Jupiter, can restore harmony with an important person in your life. Sip the cosmic cup of courage because this planetary pairing can help coupled Capricorns decide to take the leap to the next level together. Your thoughts could turn to your career on Sunday too. If appropriate, send out a happy holidays message to a few of your colleagues — particularly the ones you want to do business with in 2017. Those little touches go a long way.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

The weather outside is frightful — but that's just fine by you, Aquarius. This week, your 12th house of restful rejuvenation is activated, and you're ready to hunker down for that long winter's nap. From Monday until the 8th of January, social Mercury slips into a retrograde in Capricorn and your 12th house. While you'll enjoy a good dance party, your patience for lame conversation and stupid human tricks will be less than zero. Keep yourself centred with lots of dreamtime. This is an excellent phase for starting a meditation or yoga practice — and also finding a great deal on a beach vacation. Just read the fine print on that offer — and make sure you can really take the days off of work! Mercury retrograde can cause scheduling snafus. On Thursday, the sun will also beam into Capricorn for a month, easing some of the Mercury madness. This will bring a soulful and sentimental vibe to your season so think about getting back in touch with all the people who you miss dearly. For best results, stick to one-on-one hangouts that allow you to bond deeply.

Thankfully, the weekend is the exception to your solitary vibe, removing all risk of Grinchdom. You'll be the full-on Aquarius social butterfly, in fact, thanks to two pairs of planets teaming up in the most lively and adventurous zones of your chart. On Saturday, your ruler, spontaneous Uranus syncs up with pragmatic Saturn, easing some of the perfectionism you may be struggling with. Focus on people instead of trying to craft the perfect cocktail or table settings. Who cares if you hand people presents in gift bags without wrapping paper? If that opens up time for you to go mingle and share a cup of cheer, people would prefer the pleasure of your company. (And hey, you can tell them that you're trying to be environmentally conscious.) On Sunday, amorous Venus (in Aquarius) unites with bold Jupiter, opening your heart and mind. A cross-cultural attraction could be sparked. If you're travelling, you might just hit it off with a sexy local. Attached? Open up your laptop and start planning your next romantic holiday together — and try to get out for a little fresh air (and even a sultry makeout session) before the day is through!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Let other people settle down for that long winter's nap. You'll steal the leading edge while they're snoozing. This Monday, make-it-happen Mars swoops into Pisces until the 28th of January, electrifying you with initiative. The red planet only visits your sign every other year so carpe diem! Personal projects and passions take focus and you may work more independently now. Apply a little more pressure to people, but don't push them too hard. Mars can make you more aggressive than you realise. Also on Monday, messenger Mercury turns retrograde in your teamwork and tech zone. Until the 8th of January, rallying people for reindeer games could prove challenging. This is a stellar period for reuniting with people from your past and maybe getting the band back together. If you asked Santa for a new laptop or other digital device, make sure it comes with a solid warranty since Mercury's backspin can cause glitches. Password protect your sensitive data too — and think carefully before hitting send on any strongly worded emails or texts!

This Saturday, the planets appoint you master of ceremonies. Wise Saturn syncs up with spontaneous Uranus in the planning zones of your chart bring practical magic to your celebrations. Connect to the host of your festivities (which might just be you this year) and see what special touches you can add to the gathering. Perhaps it's a bottle of vintage wine, a curated playlist, or a special dessert. Pisces business owners could wrap Saturday with some stellar sales so go ahead and shoot out that final promotional email. If you have some shopping left to do, you could nab a great deal before the stores turn off their lights. On Sunday, a sentimental alignment of Venus and Jupiter — two of the most positive planets in the solar system — will melt hearts. If you've been hanging on to a grudge, the day could dissolve into sweet forgiveness. If you can't get past the oversight, you'll be able to let go with love and open up a sweet new chapter. With lucky Jupiter in your field, a stirring connection could come out of the blue — perhaps with someone you've known for a while but never quite expected to click with in that way. Taking a chance on romance could bring about a true Christmas miracle!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

Tradition, tradition? Maybe not this year, Aries. From Monday until the 8th of January, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn and your conservative and career-obsessed 10th house. You won't be quite so excited about doing things the same old way. By all means, add some innovative twists to your fetes, but be considerate of the other celebrants. You don't want to crush their sentimental rituals in your zeal! Don't slack on those end-of-year work goals. On Thursday, the confidence-boosting sun will also groove into Capricorn for a month. Before 2016 wraps, you could score major points with the office influencers and set yourself up for a powerful leap up the ladder in 2017. Just know when to power down too. Laptops do not belong at tree, menorah, or candelabra lightings!

The holiday weekend will be action packed — especially on Saturday when Saturn in your long-term planning zone makes a major cosmic angle to innovative Uranus in Aries. You could have a breakthrough insight about a project or personal dream. Sneak off from the festivities to work on that first draft — or at least get these genius revelations into a Word document. Bring the element of surprise to your celebrations too. Even gentle pranks could bring a memorable round of good cheer. Sunday could bring some record-breaking romantic highs as amorous Venus gets into a playful dance with daring Jupiter. A casual acquaintance could cop to a crush — or your bored right-swiping could turn up a shockingly good prospect. Coupled Rams, don't spend the day lounging in PJs. Take a road trip, go see a matinee, sing karaoke at an Asian restaurant. The couple that sleighs together, uh, slays together.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Holiday hedonism alert! From Monday until the 8th of January, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn and your wild and adventurous ninth house. You're just swinging from the chandeliers in your sequined turtleneck, but others may not take kindly to your antics. Go easy on the truth serum (a.k.a. those cups of cheer at the open bar) because you're prone to regrettable blurting during this three-week phase. But if it's time for real talk, you'll have your moment too. On Thursday, the illuminating sun also sails into Capricorn for a month, helping to mitigate some of Mercury's mixed signals. Wanderlust will strike but careful trip planning is a must to avoid the scheduling snafus a Mercury retrograde can bring. It might be best to return to a place you've visited before, especially one that holds sentimental value.

This weekend, however, you'll want to huddle up with your nearest and dearest. Two pairs of planets cosy up in harmonious trines (120-degree angles), setting the stage for soulful and sentimental bonding. On Saturday, spontaneous Uranus and structured Saturn make the first meet-up, bringing stability to your most intimate relationships. You could discover that someone's harbouring deep feelings for you — or even be surprised with a proposal…or a sexy proposition. Go easy on the libations though. You want to be in the right headspace to enjoy the magic moment — and make the decision that's best for yourself. On Sunday, a trine between your ruler, amorous Venus, and playful Jupiter will set the stage for a sensual day. Stay in your PJs — or slip between the sheets with nothing on at all. If you're hanging with family, you'll be happy to potter around the house, cooking French toast for everyone, watching classic movies, and looking at old photos together. The spirit of service may call too, so sneak out to serve holiday lunch at a shelter or invite a lonely neighbour to spend a little time with your fam.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Caution: power struggles ahead! This Monday, your ruling planet Mercury pivots into a signal-scrambling retrograde in Capricorn and your intense — and seductive — eighth house. Reindeer games could get randy but they can also go off the rails pretty easily, especially if you're less-than-forthcoming about your intentions. A text from an ex could throw you off centre temporarily. Don't even think about opening that door unless it was just bad timing that broke things up. Thankfully, the radiant sun will cruise through Capricorn from this Thursday until the 19th of January, amplifying your magnetism. Scintillating new options will arise for single Geminis — but you could miss them if you're busy obsessing about that toxic Tinder date. Coupled? Create space in your schedule for more one-on-one time — your fifty closest friends can wait! Bonding privately will rev up your erotic engines and strengthen the state of your union.

The weekend will bring plenty of moments to dazzle in the public eye too. Two pairs of planets flow into lucky trines (120-degree angles), energising the social and romantic vibes. In between "dutiful daughter" errands on Saturday, squeeze in quick hangouts with friends, a little shopping for Numero Uno and even a date. An inspiring conversation could emerge about ways to join forces in 2017 — as bandmates, bedmates, or travel buddies. Sunday's festive angle between bountiful Jupiter and charming Venus could find you playing Santa to your friends — which also means driving the sleigh to for adventurous plans. Closed businesses do not have to be a deterrent. If it's snowy in your area, organise some afternoon sledding or wrangle everyone into the car for a trip to the IMAX cinema. With your romantic sector lit up, we wouldn't be surprised to find you sneaking in a little Tinder time — and even slipping off to meet a promising prospect for a drink after sunset. If you're in a relationship, Sunday may spur a candid conversation about the state of your union. Don't shy away from the trouble spots. Discussing them honestly will help arouse creative solutions.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Opposites attract — but they can also repel. From Monday until the 8th of January, communication planet Mercury will turn retrograde in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships and diplomacy. While this isn't the best news for the festive season, there is a silver lining. Your nurturing sign is known for making sacrifices in the name of pleasing others. With Mercury in reverse, that will be a no-no. Speak up for your needs and let your preferences be known. Surprise! Those "selfish narcissists" might be perfectly willing to compromise with you once they hear where you're coming from! On Thursday, the sun will also flow into Capricorn for a month, sparking a relationship renaissance for you. While you may need to iron out some past obstacles, you could still find yourself floating happily in the couple bubble this holiday season. Existing bonds can deepen with a little more real talk. Single? A love interest from the past could reappear too. This time, don't let them get away without knowing how much you care!

You're in helpful-elf mode this weekend, thanks to planets forming two peacemaking trines (120-degree angles). On Saturday, put a twist on some of those old family traditions. Does the dinner music need a modern infusion? Mix in some Beyoncé with the Bing Crosby. Instead of ending the night in a carb coma, you might also introduce some healthy new updates to traditional recipes: sweet-potato and courgette latkes, gluten-free stuffing or new twists on dark leafy greens. Sunday's sentimental mashup of caring Venus and candid Jupiter pours you a cup of courage. Seize the moment to send a happy holidays text to your crush or let your S.O. know about your dreams for a more committed shared future. An engagement, pregnancy, or "baby talk" could also be on the agenda. Or, if you're meeting your love interest's parents for the first time — or introducing them to yours — know that the stars will make it all smooth sailing!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

As much as you love a vacation, Leo, holiday season can throw you off your carefully cultivated routines — all the more so this year. From the 19th of December to the 8th of January, expressive Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn and your sixth house of wellness and daily routines. The motivating Sun will also tour Capricorn for a month starting Thursday. And while this basically ensures that you'll be the first one back to the gym on the 26th, try not to be so hardcore with yourself. Enjoying a couple of mince pies or lazing around this weekend doesn't mean you have to do some crazy cleanse and 7-day boot camp combo next week, okay? Do make a list and check it thrice, though. If you rely on memory alone, you could easily forget to handle an important task at work or even forget to pick up a present for a VIP in your squad. Yikes!

Cupid is pulling your sleigh this weekend, so forget about being so damn practical. Two harmonious trines (120-degree angles) form in the stars, ramping up the romantic vibes. On Saturday, your love life could reach an important milestone — one that involves taking a daring, yet stabilising leap. Discuss your shared dreams through a practical and a playful lens. There's always an element of risk involved in romance, but if you've found a trustworthy soul, it would be worth a try. Single Leos could get inspired about love by watching a cool couple in action. Time to set up that Tinder profile! On Sunday, amorous Venus trines Jupiter, the gambler, giving you the courage to take another bold step. You'll feel a lot less guarded under this open-hearted alignment so don't be shy about expressing your interest. Get out and mingle, even if you're just popping by to visit people at their homes. Someone from the friend zone could be thrilled to know that you've been harbouring a secret crush — or you could meet your match via the introduction of a mutual friend.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Is it possible to have too many mistletoe moments, Virgo — and maybe one too many cups of cheer? This Monday, Mercury slips into a befuddling retrograde in Capricorn and your fifth house of romance, glamour, and public image. By all means, do fete the season. But during this three-week backspin, which lasts until the 8th of January, be mindful of how you represent. You never know who might be wearing Snapchat Spectacles or what misinformation may spread if you're kissing a married Santa Claus "just for the fun of it." Fortunately, the radiant sun will flow through Capricorn for a month, starting Thursday. Cupid is definitely in your corner this holiday season. You just want to be more cautious about who you let in to your life. Exes could reappear and so could that drama-queen friend. Spare yourself the meltdowns and don't let trouble back into your life! Wait until after the 8th of January to chop your hair or get that piece inked onto your forearm!

You'll settle down this weekend as two pairs of planets flood you with nostalgic vibes. On Saturday, go the extra mile to make sure your celebrations are relaxing and sentimental. Greet everyone at the door with a giant hug and organise some after-dinner entertainment like a viewing of It's A Wonderful Life. If the spirit moves you, deliver a toast around the table or ask everyone to share their favourite moment of 2016. There won't be a dry eye in the house. On Sunday, the spirit of service sweeps over you as loving Venus syncs up with benevolent Jupiter. Look for little ways to be the helpful elf for your fellow revellers. Could your sister use a break from her kids for a couple hours so she can spend time with her hubby? Maybe the neighbourhood shelter could use some extra hands with serving the Christmas lunch. Sharing the goodwill can be a great bonding experience — and with romantic Venus in the picture, sparks could even fly with a fellow volunteer.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Home for the holidays? That's something to consider carefully this year, Libra. From Monday until the 8th of January, messenger Mercury will retrograde through Capricorn, your domestic sector, throwing some complications into the mix. If tension's been brewing with your familia, you won't be able to "suck it up and just go stuff a stocking." Before you gather 'round this weekend, set up time to clear the air with a difficult relative. Or, do your own damage control by ensuring you sit at the opposite end of the table and rent an Airbnb instead of crashing on a control freak's couch. Fortunately, the optimistic Sun will also be in Capricorn for a month, starting Thursday, which can help you heal rifts. Make plans with old friends, no matter where you'll be. Mercury's backspin can reconnect you to friends from back in the day — and might even bring a mistletoe moment with a childhood crush!

The Christmas weekend will be action packed, thanks to two harmonious trines (120-degree angles) in the most energetic and social zones of your chart. On Saturday, squeeze in a hangout between your last-minute present hunting and wine shopping — or make those errands a shared adventure. Solid Saturn will strengthen your bond with a sibling or S.O., while spontaneous Uranus will bring some memorable moments that could turn into a hilarious inside joke. If you've been struggling to cooperate, Saturday could illuminate a win-win: at last! On Sunday, your ruler Venus and lucky Jupiter team up for a glamorous, amorous celebration. Forget about pottering around in PJs. Paint on those glitter eyes and go make merry — or, host a spontaneous soiree yourself! Your festive mingling could evolve into real talk about the future of a relationship. Have you always felt an attraction to that friend of yours? If the moment feels right, 'fess up! A promising prospect could even show up as a pal's plus-on. Coupled Libras, get swept up in the moment. The weekend could end with a pledge of exclusivity or even a proposal.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

You said "fruit plate," they show up with a fruitcake (gag) — but that's no reason to call the whole thing off. But you can expect more misunderstandings as 2016 wraps, thanks to Mercury turning retrograde from Monday until the 8th of January — in Capricorn and your communication sector, at that. During this phase, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Put all instructions and directions in writing, and proofread before hitting send. Check your tires and oil before driving over the meadow and through the woods and make a soothing playlist since traffic can be trying. From Thursday until the 19th of January, however, the radiant sun will tour Capricorn, offsetting Mercury's mayhem and making a social butterfly out of you. Stock the cultural calendar with concerts, playdates and fun outings. If you're in a relationship, spend less time cuddling on the couch and more time feting the festive season.

Forget about spending the weekend alone in your Snuggie, Scorpio. Two pairs of planets are heating up your Christmas festivities and you won't want to miss a beat. On Saturday, mingling with the movers and shakers — or even doing some online research — could spark some white-light revelations about your financial future. Your security-loving sign is always happy to find new paths to profitability so don't be shy about talking shop with the successful people in your sphere. If nothing else, you could have an epiphany about your 2017 career goals. Write it down! Sunday will flood you with warm-fuzzy feelings as heartfelt Venus and open-minded Jupiter touch down in the most sentimental zones of your chart. One-on-one conversations will be sublime, giving you a chance to really catch up and bond with the people you adore. Slip off for wintery walks, a matinee, or even a date! Who knows? Your childhood crush could be visiting home too, setting the stage for a sultry mistletoe moment. Coupled Scorpios could spend the weekend making happy plans for a shared future — ones that might involve a mature step like moving in together or meeting each other's parents.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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